Monday, December 10, 2007

Due Friday 12/14

Read all of Oedipus, including the background information preceding the play.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Due 12/6 and a Warning for 12/10

Read the following stories for 12/6:

"Araby" by James Joyce (65-69)
"A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (362-366)

Focus Topic:

Stories often focus on characters' reactions as they encounter something that is new and or unexplained to them. What are some instances in these stories where characters interact with something new and/or something they do not understand, and how do these interactions illuminate the overall meaning of the story?

NOTE: Your complete set of short story notes is due on Monday, 12/10. You will be turning in notes that address the focus topics posted online as well as any comments/additional information you added during class discussions. Make sure notes on each story are clearly labeled and can be handed in. You should have notes for the following EIGHT stories:

Yellow Wallpaper
Young Goodman Brown
A Rose for Emily
The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber
Good Country People
A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

11/26 In-Class

We watched the first part of the movie Citizen Kane (up to where Kane takes over the newspaper.) We are taking two sets of notes as we are watching: one focuses on treating the movie as a short story, writing down important info about character motivation, decisions, etc. The other focuses on the use of film techniques such as lighting, camera angles, camera shots, editing, music, sound effect, etc. You are making observations about how the use of these techniques enhances the movie. You will have a reflection paper due on the use of techniques on Friday and the character analysis due on Tuesday.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Due 11/19 Metamorphosis Reading

Read "The Metamorphosis" by Franz Kafka. Remember, this is a long story, so pace your reading accordingly.

Focus Topic: Often, the environment a character experiences has a significant impact on their sense of the world or even their own identity. Find instances in which Gregor's identity is influenced by his reactions to the changing environment around him and consider what this reveals about his character's development.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Due 11/15 Reading and Notes

Please read "Good Country People" by Flannery O'Connor.

Focus Idea for Notes: Characters sometimes go to unusual ends to create a sense of identity for themselves. Consider the various ways that Hulga seeks to define herself and create her self-identity.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Due 11/13 Admissions Essay Assignment and Reading

(Make sure to check your reading assignment for Thursday)

You must select a topic for either an admissions essay or a scholarship essay. Your prompt must allow for a topic that can produce an essay of at least 300-400 words. (Therefore, for many of you, short answer questions will not count.) Please do not include an essay that is significantly longer than 800 words.

If you need a prompt, go online to the Common Application site, or search for a possible scholarship topic.

You must retype the prompt at the top of the page. Then include the text of your essay and a word count. When you turn yours in, you can request comments if you're interested.

“Rose for Emily” 56-62
“The Short Happy Life of Francis MacComber” 258-278

Focus Idea: Commonly in literature, characters feel dissatisfied with their current situation in life. For these two stories, write down examples of when different characters feel dissatisfied and consider how these feelings contribute to the meaning of the work as a whole.

Reading Due 11/8

You will need to read the following stories AND take notes on the specified topics for each. Your notes should include page numbers and a direct quotation from the text, as some thoughts about why this topic is important for the meaning of the story. Please have your notes for each story start on a SEPARATE sheet of paper. Your notes MAY be done in as a list.

"Young Goodman Brown" 93-102

Focus Idea: often times in stories, the impression characters have of other people or their behavior is shattered. Write down examples in the story of when Young Goodman Brown has his perceptions of other people destroyed. Make sure to include thoughts on why having this perception destroyed is important.

"Yellow Wallpaper" 153-164

Focus Idea: Frequently in literature, characters experience a loss of power. Write down examples from the story of how the female narrator lacks power. Make sure to include your thoughts on why her losing or lacking power is important to the meaning of the story.

Friday, November 2, 2007

11/6 Reading Due

"Once more to the Lake" (1605-1609)

"Cub wants to be a Pilot" (1598-1603)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

11/2 Reading Due

"Living like Weasels" Annie Dillard

"The Battle of the Ants" Thoreau

Monday, October 29, 2007

Due 10/31

A Modest Proposal (page 1588-end of essay)

Pay special attential to argumentation, appeals, syntax, etc.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Due 11/2 CRLS Reflection Essay

All senior English students must turn in their CRLS reflection essay as part of their English class. For AP English, you will receive points (as a completion assignment) for turning in your essay on time. Make sure to provide specific evidence per paragraph and then explain HOW these pieces of evidence show that you have demonstrated that particular skill. (This is actually similar in concept to a poetry analysis paper).

Please use the following documents as guides for your essay:

CRLS Reflection Directions

CRLS Paper Scoring Guide

Friday, October 19, 2007

Due 10/23 Original Poem

Remember to bring your original poem to class for our Fun with Poetry Day! No, you do not have to share your poem with other people. You DO have to remember to include a minimum of a 1/2 page analysis of your own original poem. You can even refer to yourself in the third person if you really get into it.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Due 10/17

Musee des Beaux Arts Paper

Poetry Readings:

695-Fire and Ice
707-Dance Russe
729-Ars Poetica
730-Ars Poetica
748-The Word
770-Constantly Risking Absudity

Friday, October 12, 2007

Due 10/19

The Beast! Prepare for your poetry test with these sample questions.

Poetry Glossary