Monday, December 10, 2007

Due Friday 12/14

Read all of Oedipus, including the background information preceding the play.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Due 12/6 and a Warning for 12/10

Read the following stories for 12/6:

"Araby" by James Joyce (65-69)
"A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (362-366)

Focus Topic:

Stories often focus on characters' reactions as they encounter something that is new and or unexplained to them. What are some instances in these stories where characters interact with something new and/or something they do not understand, and how do these interactions illuminate the overall meaning of the story?

NOTE: Your complete set of short story notes is due on Monday, 12/10. You will be turning in notes that address the focus topics posted online as well as any comments/additional information you added during class discussions. Make sure notes on each story are clearly labeled and can be handed in. You should have notes for the following EIGHT stories:

Yellow Wallpaper
Young Goodman Brown
A Rose for Emily
The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber
Good Country People
A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings