Friday, September 24, 2010

Due 9/27

Continue working on poetry paper which is due on Wednesday.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Due 9/23

Rough draft of poetry paper. (See previous post if you do not have the poem for the paper)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Due 9/21

DiYanni Diction (436-444) and Voice (427-436) Due Tuesday, 9/21.

Hopefully, this link will provide you with some additional information about your poetry prospectus assignment which is due 10/5.

Rough Draft of 1st Poetry Paper will be due (9/23)

First poetry paper poem:

when serpents bargain for the right to squirm
and the sun strikes to gain a living wage-
when thorns regard their roses with alarm
and rainbows are insured against old age

when every thrush may sing no new moon in
if all screech-owls have not okayed his voice
-and any wave signs on the dotted line
or else an ocean is compelled to close

when the oak begs permission of the birch
to make an acorn-valleys accuse their
mountains of having altitude-and march
denounces april as a saboteur

then we'll believe in that incredible
unanimal mankind(and not until)

e.e. cummings

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Due 9/17

Follow information on the Poetry Syllabus. Although you may not feel like actually starting to write a Prospectus, it may be a good idea to go "shopping" for some poems from your text book that you might be able to use for each Prospectus. Remember, they must be from the book, but not one that we or the book discuss in detail.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Due Wednesday 9/15

Read part one of the Manifesto

Read section on Figurative Language (451-456) and Imagery (444-450)

Scroll down on the right, and acknowledge the complete Poetry Unit Syllabus.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Due Monday 9/13

Here is a bit more specific of a prompt than I said in class:

Read and think about the poem "Design" by Robert Frost. Then, time between 40-50 minutes during which you will write as much as you can analyzing the poem. The prompt you are using for your essay is:

Explain how Frost uses literary devices such as figurative language, imagery, and structure to convey the meaning of the poem, "Design."

You may type the essay if you wish, but DO NOT consult outside sources or other people.

THIS IS A COMPLETION POINTS ASSIGNMENT!!! As long as you produce a reasonable product in 40 minutes, you will receive full credit.

Text of Poem:


I found a dimpled spider, fat and white,
On a white heal-all*, holding up a moth
Like a white piece of rigid satin cloth --
Assorted characters of death and blight
Mixed ready to begin the morning right,
Like the ingredients of a witches' broth --
A snow-drop spider, a flower like a froth,
And dead wings carried like a paper kite.

What had that flower to do with being white,
The wayside blue and innocent heal-all?
What brought the kindred spider to that height,
Then steered the white moth thither in the night?
What but design of darkness to appall?--
If design govern in a thing so small.

* A type of flower that is typically blue, but in this case, white.