Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Due Friday:

Have Act I read of Death of a Salesman.

Due Monday:

- Be finished Reading Death of a Salesman.

- Turn in practice essay below.

Essay assignment:

Write an open ended essay on the following prompt topic. You may choose to limit your time to only 40 minutes; however, you may also type this assignment if you do not prefer to write it by hand.

You essay must be based on A Doll House.


In a literary work, a minor character, often known as a foil, possesses traits that emphasize, by contrast or comparison, the distinctive characteristics and qualities of the main character. For example, the ideas or behavior of a minor character might be used to highlight the weaknesses or strengths of the main character. Choose a novel or play in which a minor character serves as a foil for the main character. Then write an essay in which you analyze how the relation between the minor character and the major character illuminates the meaning of the work.