Friday, October 6, 2017

Due Tuesday, 9/10

Please log in to Turnitin and see your feedback on your first poem outline. If I did not leave you feedback, it means that I don't have any concerns and you should keep doing what you're doing.

In general, our interpretations are AWESOME! Please keep this up! Our charts on occasion are a bit skimpy, so you should make an effort to look at more devices, or find more quotations to support the devices you're already addressing. I may have scared you away from doing a diction analysis. We don't want to just look at diction, but every poem should look at diction, so make sure that your chart has a diction section. Also, make sure you are doing one of the three types of diction analysis discussed in your notes; you should not have full sentences as your diction quotations.

Your homework is to choose another poem from the red book and make another chart, interp, and organization statement. So pretty much the same assignment, with my feedback in mind, but this time for a different poem of your choosing.

This will be due on Tuesday, 9/10, even for B-day people.

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