Monday, April 30, 2012

Study Goals Week of 4/30

- Complete 3 additional review sheets - Review open ended prompt topic collection and write/outline/think about/discuss possible essay responses - Attend after school review session OR review open ended essay from the file drawer - Practice an additional multiple choice test Open Ended Prompt Medley

Monday, April 23, 2012

AP Study Goals 4/22-4/29

* Practice a non-modern Prose multiple choice AND a non-modern Poetry multiple choice passage. * Have 3 review sheets completed * Attend after school review session Remember also to schedule your double essay time for either Thursday beginning at 2:40 or Friday at 1:00. See me if neither time will work for you.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Due Thursday

Read through Chapter Part 1. (Ends at "towards dawn he awoke".) Chapter 5 notes available here.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Due 4/18

If you are not done with Chapter 4, please get caught up. Here are chapter 4 notes.

AP Test Weekly Minimum Study Goals:

* Attend Wednesday review session OR work with poetry prompt from file
* Complete the summary for ONE review sheet
* Practice ONE mulitple choice passage

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Due Friday, 4/13

Chapter 3 Notes

Make sure you are meeting your weekly AP test study goals.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Due 4/10

Read as much of Chapter 2 as possible, although as a minimum, you should make it to "My heart is calm now. I will go back". There should be a physical break following this section.

Here are Chapter 2 notes.

Study goals for the week:

*Attend Wednesday review session OR Review a poetry prompt and essays on file.
*Practice at least ONE multiple choice passage. Page 54 of the AP Lit and Comp course description is the beginning of a multiple choice test (with answers following.) (In other words, do one prose passage or one poetry passage, etc. You can do the whole test if you want, but I thought one section might be more reasonable as a goal).

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Due 4/6 Portrait Chapter 1, part 1

Your chapter one reading assignment will go from the beginning of chapter one and end with the sentence: "Stephen, raising his terror stricken face, saw that his father's eyes were full of tears." Most books will have a physical break after this line, so that should also help mark your stopping point.

Chapter 1 Notes are available here. Please at least read the background statements at the beginning, but I strongly encourage printing out a copy as using them as a resource.

I'm also including a rough draft of the Portrait Reading/AP test prep calendar. I have specified activities for test prep days at this time, but the calendar contains information about a long-term review assignment, and other test related info. I'll update when/if I am able to specify more review activities.

Portrait/Test Prep Calendar

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Due 4/5

1. Essay rewrite on drama prompts.

2. Kenner's Introduction to Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. (Handout)

(Your first Portrait reading assignment will be due on Friday, so make sure you will have access to the text.)

Please note link to "Fancy" Vocabulary on the right. Print it out! Practice with your friends! Sound erudite!