Friday, March 22, 2013

Due Tuesday, 4/2

Please read the introduction to Portrait of the Artist as a Young man (handout).

Wuthering Heights Critical Essay Assignment

 You must find and read 1 critical essay written about Wuthering Heights. Your essays can come from the internet (please include citation for the website address), a literary journal, the back of a copy the novel (if included) or the introduction to the novel if long enough.
 If you choose to use an essay from the internet, it must be from a reputable, academic source. This excludes essays from Sparknotes, Echeats, Purple monkey, Debbie’s Book Report Grade 8, etc. JSTOR is probably your best bet.
 Then you must write a 2-3 page evaluation of each essay. Your evaluation should include a summary of the thesis/argument of the essay you read (use quotations to refer to this) as well as your personal opinion on the validity of these points. You will also want to make sure you support your opinion with quotations from WH.
 Pay special attention to the language used by the authors of the critical essay—this is a chance for you to experience the language of literary analysis and learn from it stylistically
 Please follow MLA formatting and maintain formal (no 1st person) voice.