Friday, April 26, 2013

Open Ended Prompt Practice Due Monday

Choose one of the following open ended prompts and write a timed 40 minutes essay (handwritten, testing conditions if possible) that addresses the prompt. You may choose from any novel or play that we have read this year as part of AP English. This will be scored as a completion assignment.

(Feel free to write essays on both prompts if you'd like to be a superstar.)

Option 1

"The true test of comedy is that it shall awaken thoughtful laughter." Choose a novel, play, or long poem in which a scene or character awakens "thoughtful laughter" in the reader. Write an essay in which you show why this laughter is "thoughtful" and how it contributes to the meaning of the work.

Option 2

In retrospect, the reader often discovers that the first chapter of a novel or the opening scene of a drama introduces some of the major themes of the work. Write an essay about the opening scene of a drama or the first chapter of a novel in which you explain how it functions in this way.