Due Wednesday:
- Turn in your corrected multiple choice answer sheet. Be sure to return the test packet to the file.
- Turn in your completed Ivory Sheet.
- Both of these tasks count as assignments in the grade book.
Due Assignments Over Spring Break.
- Finish reading Wuthering Heights.
- Wuthering Heights Critical Essay Assignment.
Just like with Hamlet, you will be reading a critical essay of your choice from an academic source and writing an essay analyzing that essay and Wuthering Heights. I recommend using JSTOR for your research, although some of you may have a book with critical essays in it. Your essay will be 2-3 pages (doubled spaced, and MLA) with the first half presenting a summary of the critical essay using quotations from it as evidence of its premise. The second have of the essay is your evaluation of the validity of the essay's claims using quotations from WH to support your opinion. Please note that the second half of the essay must be written in formal voice, so no "I think that..." allowed. This is a time for you to learn from and model the critical voices that you have read. You MUST include a works cited page and this essay will be submitted online through Turnitin and graded on comletion/requirements. Please do not submit an essay shorter than 2 pages. Due Monday, March 31st.