The last day to turn in the four "fun" assignments for Things Fall Apart and Cat's Cradle is Monday, June 6th. Please see the previous post for information about the Things Fall Apart Fable. The other assignments are explained below.
Things Fall Apart Analysis
“Completion Points” Writing (20-30 minutes)
Choose one of the following topics to write on:
Compare Okonkwo with one other character from a novel or play that we have read in class. Analyze their similarities and differences and consider how the insights gained from this comparison to Okonkwo is important for a larger meaning of the book.
Perform a rhetorical analysis of Okika’s speech at the end of chapter 24 beginning with “You all know why we are here…” and ending with “we must bale this water now that it is ankle deep.” What rhetorical appeals and techniques does he use for his audience? What do these techniques and appeals reveal about him and about his audience?
Analyze the last paragraph of the novel (“The Commissioner went away…” considering things like point of view, selection of detail, and irony. Then consider the reader’s response to these and the role this paragraph plays as a conclusion for this text.
Cat's Cradle Review of Back of Book
Write either
1. A typical back of the book cover promo for Cat's Cradle.
2. A review of the book expressing your opinion of the text (like what you might see for a new album)
Cat's Cradle Missing Chapter
Write a "missing chapter" for Cat's Cradle that is located in between existing chapters. You will title it "15.5" for example if you want the chapter to occur between chapters 15 and 16. You may create new characters, new Bokononist terms, Calypsos, and any other absurdity in the style of Vonnegut. You cannot, however, irrevocably change the future plot by killing off characters.